The Pro Natura Foundation, based in East Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) was established in March 2013, spurred by the need for providing ongoing assistance towards the various animal and education programmes at the Sun bear education center in East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The establishment of Pro Natura was initiated by Gabriella Fredriksson, who is one of the founders of the KWPLH sun bear education center. The board of Pro Natura consists of a small number of committed individuals who have either been part of establishment of the sun bear center or close supporters.
Nunuk Kasyanto
Rini Kumala
Nunik Basuki
Tati van Veen
Timbul Cahyono
Jalan Telaga Sari RT 41 no 23 Kelurahan Telaga Sari
76111, Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur
Animal Account
BNI 46 – Balikpapan
Foundation Account
PT. ANZ Panin Bank
IDR: 071200.3611918876
EUR: 071200.3606936362
Swift Code: A N Z B I D J X
Bank Address : Jalan Jendral Sudirman No.347 Balikpapan 76114
Merchant account:
Demonstrating our value with action and initiative.
Current programmes supported by the Pro Natura Foundation include:
Support Our Work
We focus on providing quality care for all sun bears at KWPLH sun bear center. This includes providing medical care, funding for new sun bear facilities, high quality food, enrichment, and maintenance of the sun bear enclosure and bear holding area.
Slide for more information…
Confiscated from illegal ownership, seven sun bears (Helarctos malayanus eurispylus) now live at the Kawasan Wisata Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (KWPLH) sun bear education center. KWPLH is an environmental education and recreation facility that the Pro Natura Foundation is helping to develop in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Sun bears are frequently killed or kept as pets, despite having formal protected status in Indonesia since 1973. Ongoing loss of sun bear habitat in Indonesia and the stresses, as well as frequent handicaps obtained during captivity make it impossible for the bears at the KWPLH sun bear education center to be rehabilitated for life in the forests from which they were illegally taken as cubs.
In 2005/2006 we constructed a 1.3 ha forest enclosure to house these bears. Unlike the small cages they were kept in as pets, here they can at least explore, dig, climb trees, forage, and carry out all the other “bear” necessities. By serving as ‘wildlife ambassadors’ to educate the local people about conservation and ecology, our bears will hopefully assist to ensure a future for wild sun bears.
Five of our sun bears live in the large forest enclosure, whereas two young new sun bears [Pedro and Chandra] are still living separately, until they are large enough to be grouped with the other bears.
Pro Natura Foundation helps with the construction of new facilities needed for these new bear cubs, as well as all maintenance and repairs to the enclosure and bear holding area.
For more information about sun bears click here
Pro Natura Foundation is helping the bear management at KWPLH sun bear center through:
Medical care of the sun bears;
Provision of dry food;
Repairs and maintenance of sun bear holding and enclosure;
Purchase of various supporting equipment (pressure cleaners, freezers, fridges and basic operational items);
Providing electric fence equipment (through help of the Free the Bears Foundation);
Enrichment for the sun bears;
Building of new air-conditioned fruit storage building and bear keeper toilet;
Promote Conservation Behaviour
We focus on raising awareness and change behaviour the negatively impacts wildlife and forest in Kalimantan through the development of conservation education exhibits. Help us to further this important work.
Slide for more information…
The Pro Natura Foundation is also supporting the development of conservation education exhibits and programmes at the KWPLH sun bear education center. Each year close to 70.000 local people visit the center to learn about sun bears, conservation issues, and to learn about animal care.
We have worked very hard to develop a state of the art sun bear education exhibit, and in July 2014 the Pro Natura Foundation built the first ever education exhibit in Kalimantan focusing on the wonderful endemic Flora and Fauna found on the island of Borneo. Our Domestic versus Wildlife as pets information exhibit is also a first of its kind in Kalimantan.
Projects the Pro Natura Foundation is focusing on for 2014-2015 are:
Building a new enclosure for new sun bear cub Chandra;
Forest fire prevention teams for the Sungai Wain Protection Forest;
Information exhibit and materials to raise awareness and halt the increasing illegal wildlife trade in East Kalimantan;
Repairs and maintenance to sun bear enclosure and bear holding;
Rehabilitation of our Domestic animal education exhibit;
Domestic Animal Programme
Helping abandoned pets by saving lives through adoptions, helping shelters prepare for and recover from unacceptable conditions.
We are committed to provide quality care for all stray domestic animals at the sun bear center. We provide all food, medical care, staff training, and develop facilities for housing and medical care of all stray animals found on site at the sun bear center. We also provide free spay and neutering for stray cats and dogs in a radius around the center and domestic animals living near the center. All in an effort to reduce the population of stray domestic animals, which is a large problem all over Kalimantan and Indonesia.
Participation in activities
Develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions.
Please help us to support the sun bears and other animals at the sun bear center in East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Our responsibility to each bear does not end with their rescue. One of the ProNatura Foundation’s mission is to ensure that each bear receives the very best care and attention available at our sun bear center.
By sponsoring a sun bear, you will be helping to provide your bear with their daily needs. If you sponsor one of our bears with a donation of U$ 1000, you will receive a special sponsorship certificate with a photograph and information about your bear and the knowledge that you have helped to make a difference!
To meet our sun bears which you are able to sponsor, please visit our Meet Our Bears page.
Your donation covers 12 months of care, welfare, food, veterinary costs and the rehabilitation programme run by our dedicated keepers and veterinary team. 100% of your donation goes to caring for your bear.
You can also help us with our domestic animal care, either through supporting individual animals, or through a general donation that will help us with the purchase of medical supplies, food, or operational costs.
We need around U$ 150/year to take care of a cat or dog. This includes 3-monthly deworming/de-fleaing, sterilization, food and medical care. We currently have around 135 cats under our care and 12 dogs, so your individual sponsorship will be of great assistance!
We focus on raising awareness and change behaviour the negatively impacts wildlife and forest in Kalimantan through the development of conservation education exhibits. Help us to further this important work.
Donation can be done through bank transfer or ATM to the following bank account:
Animal Account
Bank BNI 46 (Pasar Klandasan-Balikpapan)
Account number: 0690006913
Foundation Account
PT. ANZ Panin Bank
IDR: 071200.3611918876
EUR: 071200.3606936362
Swift Code: A N Z B I D J X
Bank Address : Jalan Jendral Sudirman No.347 Balikpapan 76114
Or through PayPal.